“Tom Slatter, I just think he should pick a style and stick to it…”

A lovely man named Diego has reviewed Three Rows of Teeth. He said this: “Tom Slatter’s Three Rows Of Teeth is a great example of ‘self-made’ music where you can enjoy both complex and regular music with deep pleasure.”

Deep pleasure. Hard to argue with that.

Here’s a link to the review. It’s worth having a look at the site in general if you like this proggy stuff.

Even more exciting is this comment underneath the review: ‘can not say I’m a fan of Tom Slatter, I just think he should pick a style and stick to it… ‘ which I think is going to look great on posters…

Oh no! Burgled!

On Monday I arrived home to find a broken kitchen window, a missing laptop and a bedroom that had clearly been briefly ransacked.

Now I’ve always been relatively liberal on issues of crime and punishment. The right-wing ‘lock-em up’ approach is clearly the soft, less effective option.

However, it is also the emotionally satisfying one, so finding myself the victim of crime, my first reaction was the desire to meet whoever broke into my home and hurt them with a large mallet. The next day, speaking to neighbours, I found myself agreeing with the empty statement ‘they’re evil’, which isn’t actually a helpful attitude.

Funny how your emotions don’t listen to reason.

So that evening was ruined, which was particularly annoying as Joe had come round to work on guitar parts for September’s gigs. We didn’t make much progress with that. Instead the police arrived and I briefly lived in the world’s most boring episode of CSI. The highlight of this was the momentary suspicion that we had found blood. This turned out to be paint.

This was followed by a long day waiting for glaziers, buying and fitting various locks and so on.

Also, I now own a large mallet.