So today is the solstice, the end of the year and the beginning of the new. It seems an apt moment to reflect on the 12 months just gone.
Musically, 2024 was a big success.
Oh did you become a big star and sell lots of albums, then Tom?
No, no I didn’t. But that’s not how I measure success.
It was successful because I released the first Ashfeathers album, World Building. 9 songs about fictional worlds, from the bizarre city where you can buy anything including metaphysical concepts, to the real one of online propaganda, and the lonely-yet-hopeful one where a reclusive poet hides his love odes rather than tell anyone about his feelings.
The inspirations for Ashfeathers were twofold. I wanted to make use of the new acoustic guitar I had, and I wanted to do something in a very different tone to the solo music I’d released up to that point. Most Tom Slatter music is tongue in cheek, still telling stories, but sort of comedy horror/scifi rather than the more serious (albeit sometimes whimsical) tone of Ashfeathers.
I think I achieved that, both with World Building and the follow-up EP World Ending.
World ending also includes What You’re Aiming For, which I think is the best song I’ve written in the last twelve months.
What’s next for Ashfeathers?
I’ve got a new album in the works. The lovely people on my Ashfeathers mailing list have shared lots of pictures to help with the songwriting process and with their help I’ve got a brand new set of songs that I’ve already started recording. We’re well on the way there and I’m hoping to keep the recording process simple for this one so in theory it shouldn’t take long to finish recording. But as ever, I’m not going to promise a specific date. It will be done when it is done!
What about the rest?
The other big news of the year is the launch of my new band High Wire Act. If Ashfeathers is the nice, accessible acoustic side of my songwriting, this is the big loud electric-guitar-and-drums aspect. Big riffs, big feelings. That’s the idea. It’s trying to explore the idea ‘what if all those 90s alt rock bands I liked had had band members who were emotionally well adjusted, but still wrote the same kind of music?’.
Two songs out so far, Lifeline and These Ghouls Won’t Leave Me Alone. More to come in the new year.
What about a new Tom Slatter album?
Yeah, it had got to the point that I can now legitimately talk about Tom Slatter music as a distinct thing from my other acts. This has the strange side effect of making me sound like a pro-wrestler talking about themselves in the third person. Can you smell what the Slatter is cooking?
There will be more music under that name, but I’m not putting a date on it. It will happen when it happens!
There was a new Tom Slatter song on my bandcamp subscribers EP. It was called I Stagger Through These Stars and it does point me in the right direction I think. It’s from the point of view of someone making a rambling, half-coherent speech inspired by a drunken epiphany that he can only half remember. There’s something in the sort of sub-Beckett nonsense of the words that speaks to me. I’m wondering if the next Tom Slatter album should be a deliberate rejection of the very notion of meaning in song lyrics.
Aren’t all your songs that anyway?
Yeah, but this time it will be deliberate!
What’s next then?
I measure my success as a musician by the music I write and record. If I’m proud of those recordings I am successful. I’m very proud of this year’s recordings, especially Ashfeathers and High Wire Act. So that’s a successful year.
2025 will be all about the second Ashfeathers album and the first High Wire Act album. I can’t wait for you to hear them.