Live at last

Next week’s debut Tom Slatter Band gig (we’re not calling it that. Are we calling it that?) includes a couple of songs from Three Rows of Teeth that have never been played live before:

Mother’s Been Talking To Ghosts Again

This is a tale of duplicitous spiritualists hoodwinking the bereaved and gullible. It’s got bits in 4/4, 5/8, 6/8, and three flavours of 9/8. I didn’t write with so many different time signatures to annoy Gareth Cole, but I am glad they’ve had this effect.

Dance Dance Dance

This is a song about dancing in the face of annihilation. Which, let’s face it, is what we’re all doing. Of course, a song about dancing has to have a chorus that’s difficult to dance to. So it’s in 5/4. Of course.

Three Rows of Teeth is an album of sci-fi rock songs, and I’ve wanted to play them properly for years. Next week at the Fiddler’s Elbow is going to be great.

Or awful. There is some difficult stuff here. It might be awful.