Happy People has been out for one month. How on earth did that happen? I have no idea where the last few weeks have gone.
Here’s what’s happened in that month:
The reviews that have come in so far have been really positive.
“I get the feeling that all Tom’s previous works were a flexing of musical muscles, practising for the real thing. This album is the real thing.” – Prog Radar
“This feels like the quirky Tom Slatter that I have come to know and fear.” Progressive Music Planet
“Tom has probably made the best album that I have personally heard from him. It’s consistent, melodic, psychedelic, and well written. This could very well be the album that really breaks Tom into the vast, lucrative world of progressive rock. ” – Prog Mind
“Slick as a buttered cormorant…riddled with ear-worms” – The Progressive Aspect
There will hopefully be a few more reviews in the next month or so. It’s really nice to see that all our work has paid off in terms of other people liking the thing!
Will there be gigs? Yes there will. One of the things about having to fit music around a full time job is that it is a bit tricky getting things organised. In an ideal world I’d have gigs in the calendar as the album came out, but I wasn’t able to get that sorted.
So the next gig in the calendar is an acoustic set at Airship Northstar, a Steampunk festival in Berwick upon Tweed on 8th July. I’m also in talks about another acoustic gig in the north East that same weekend, more on that when it’s definite.
I’m intending to play more gigs, both acoustic and hopefully full band over the next 12 months. If there’s somewhere you’d like me to play, please do let me know.
Have you found the three Mublas? There are three ‘mubla’s hidden in the artwork and audio of the album. The first person to let me know they’ve found all three gets a prize (I haven’t decided what yet).
Why are they there? This video explains it:
What’s next?
As well as the gigs I’m currently working on my ‘secret’ instrumental album (the one I’d been not-so-secretly talking about for a couple of years) and a little EP of vocal stuff. Both of those should be about in the next 12 months. Probably.
Thanks for listening!